
Posts about Car Insurance:

Green Vehicles and Car Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

Jul 2, 2024 3:30:00 PM
Feeling the pinch of high gas prices lately? Whether you’re driving a truck or car, those trips to the gas station aren’t exactly easy on the wallet. With the carbon tax climbing and gas prices following suit, it’s natural to wonder about your options. Should you keep shelling out for pricey fill-ups, or is it time to explore alternatives like electric or hybrid vehicles? If you’re grappling with this dilemma, you’re not alone. Today, we’re delving into how these eco-friendly cars can ease the strain on your wallet, both at the pump and in terms of insurance costs. Keep reading to learn more about cutting your expenses.

Do I Need Rental Car Insurance If I Have Insurance? Understanding Your Coverage

Mar 1, 2024 12:00:00 PM
When it comes to safeguarding your vehicle, insurance is undoubtedly a wise investment. But what about those times when you find yourself behind the wheel of a rental car? Are you automatically covered by your existing insurance, or do you need to consider additional rental car insurance? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of rental car insurance in Canada and explore whether your current coverage extends to rental vehicles.

A New Year is Approaching – Does Your Insurance Still Work for You?

Dec 1, 2023 12:00:00 PM
A new year is beginning, and now is the perfect time to take a look at your insurance policies. After all, it’s “New Year, new me” time, and we know you want to get off on the right foot. Evaluating your insurance and asking the right questions before the year is in full swing can determine whether your current policies still meet your needs or whether you need some updated insurance solutions for 2024.

October is Car Safety Month

Oct 3, 2022 12:00:00 PM
Did you know that it’s car safety month? Each October the auto industry encourages Canadian drivers to take the initiative before the weather turns cold and ensure their car is ready for the winter ahead. Acumen Insurance Group is all for this month-long safety initiative. Since our inception over 30 years ago, our insurance brokers have been committed to helping clients like you find great insurance coverage across Ontario. And it doesn’t stop there! Our brokers want you to maximize your policy’s security and your well-being by providing you with the education you need to stay safe and make informed decisions.

Save Money on Your Car Insurance with Telematics

Sep 1, 2022 12:00:00 PM
Telematics technology continues to gain speed in the automotive industry. It encourages drivers to be more mindful when getting behind the wheel, keeps our roads safer, alerts drivers to potential hazards, and helps insurance companies establish more accurate premiums. But what exactly is telematics and why is it beneficial for drivers?

Types of Car Insurance Coverage

Sep 3, 2020 4:49:09 PM
Collision, specified perils, comprehensive and all perils are among the additional coverages available for your vehicle. In general, these coverages are very similar across the country.